Whistleblowing Channels and Processes
The EU adopted a regulation for whistleblower protection in December 2019. In a two-year implementation period, EU member states will be obliged to implement the directive into their own national laws until 2021. The EU Whistleblowing Directive will require companies with more than 50 employees to implement internal compliance reporting channels and to provide protection for certain whistleblowers. A whistleblowing channel enables employees to anonymously report malpractice, unlawful or unethical behavior within the workplace. These channels are important not merely for employees but also for employers. Through whistleblowing channels, employers can receive such valuable information that could otherwise be disregarded.
Having implemented whistleblowing channels and processes for dozens of national and international companies, we can certainly call them our core competence. While we are aware of the challenges involved in whistleblowing channels and information processing, we are also conscious of solutions to them. We are happy to help your organization with creating a whistleblowing system that thoroughly fulfills all legal obligations. Above all, we are eager to assist you in developing such a process that gives your employees a feeling that ethical concerns are not faced alone and that doing the right thing is encouraged.
Our whistleblowing services
Implementation and management of the whistleblowing channel
We support organizations in creating or updating an appropriate whistleblowing process, understanding the current state, and defining internal responsibilities and processes related to the whistleblowing channel. We also offer training on the topic for both management and other staff and support organizations with various whistleblowing communication materials.
We also assist our clients with continuous and flexible on-call support, categorization and handling of reports, as well as reporting.
Independent investigations
We also support independent and objective investigations. We can conduct an investigation entirely outsourced or assist the company’s own team in conducting the investigation. We always provide a realistic cost estimate before starting the work.